Omaha High/Low The exact origins of Omaha High/Low are not exactly known, but the game is similar to that of Texas Hold’em in respect to a ‘Community Card’ Poker game. The original game is known as ‘Omaha High’. There is also the split version called ‘Omaha Hi-Lo’. ‘Omaha Hi-Lo’ is also referred to as ‘Omaha eight or better’, or simply put ‘Omaha/8’. In Europe Omaha is popular for the ‘high’ version with set limits on the pot. ‘Pot-limit is also known as ‘PLO’. Most forms of Omaha can be found in online casinos; however ‘no-limit’ is a pretty rare version. Object The object of Omaha Hi Lo is to create the highest possible ranking hand with 2 hole cards and 3 community cards. Then the player must create the lowest possible hand once again using 2 hole and 3 community cards. In Play Players are dealt a total of 4 cards; this is referred to as ‘Hole Cards’. The dealer also deals a total of 5 community cards. It’s almost exactly the same as Texas Hold’em, but with a few distinct differences. After the player receives his/her four cards, two must be discarded. This sucks if you are dealt a quad of aces, because the rules stipulate returning two of them. Here is the break down on structure and rules: • There is a dealer button identifying one player as the dealer. The button will move clockwise around the table. • All bets must be placed before any cards are dealt. This includes all antes and blinds. Then the player to the left of the dealer posts the small blind. The player two spots to the left, posts the big blind. • After bets are placed, players receive four hole cards placed face down. The betting begins with the player to the left of the big blind, also known as ‘under the gun’. • Once betting is complete in the first round, three of the community cards are dealt and are placed face up just like in Hold’em. A second round of betting begins, with the player in the small blind. This is known as the ‘Flop’ or ‘Third Street’. • Once all betting is done on the flop, one more community card is dealt face up; all players can use this community card. Then a third round of betting begins with the player in the small blind. This is known as the ‘Turn’ or ‘Fourth Street’. • After betting is complete the final community card is dealt face up. Now the fourth and final betting takes place, with the player in the small blind. This is known as the ‘River’ or ‘Fifth Street’. • When all betting is done on the river, any players who remain must show down their hand. • Remaining players then compare their five-card poker hand and the player with the highest hand is given the pot. The winner of the high hand is awarded half the pot and the winner of the low hand is awarded the other half. If there is no low hand available then the winner of the high hand wins the entire pot